
Nursing higher education in MERCOSUR: a bibliometric study


OBJECTIVE: to identify productions that approach nursing high education in member states of MERCOSUR. METHOD: bibliometric study with quantitative approach carried out in search mechanisms, such as BVS, Capes, SciELO, Scopus and PubMed, between 2006 and 2015. It was found 301 articles about nursing education in MERCOSUR. RESULTS: point to concern for the nurse’s education for public health policies, for teacher’s education and the teaching-learning process. However, publications regarding technologies associated with distance education on health field are low. CONCLUSION: this study contributes with discussion in nursing education field when points to the themes regarding the production about nurses’ education in MERCOSUR, specially, the range of targets set up in the Educational MERCOSUR agreement.
Winters, Joanara Rozane da Fontoura (57205414119); Prado, Marta Lenise do (55633483200); Lazzari, Daniele Delacan (55042273500); Jardim, Vanessa Luiza Tuono (57205414574)
Nursing higher education in MERCOSUR: a bibliometric study
All Open Access; Gold Open Access
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