

Socio-spatial effects of tourism on gentrification processes: Bibliometric and literature analysis


The objective of this study is to analyze the advances in research on gentrification and tourism from a general perspective. Based on a bibliometric analysis of 278 studies and a literature review of 43 research studies on gentrification and tourism from the Scopus™ database for the period 1990-2021, the authors discuss the results from the following perspectives: general results, number of publications per year, citation of articles, main authors, the most important journals, the most prominent institutions and the countries with the highest productivity. A review of the economic and socio-environmental effects, both positive and negative, of gentrification are presented. The results of the analysis can be used to improve understanding of gentrification and tourism research in order to support further research in this area. As a conclusion, it can be said that gentrification can lead to improvements in the physical and economic context of a city (particularly their neighborhoods) or a territory, but also involves different consequences in the social and environmental context; indeed, gentrification can change communities.
Vieira Salazar, Jaime Andrés (57219519289); Echeverri Rubio, Alejandro (57200200131); Mejía-Franco, Natalia (57221731391)
Socio-spatial effects of tourism on gentrification processes: Bibliometric and literature analysis; [Efectos socio-espaciales del turismo en procesos de gentrificación: Análisis bibliométrico y de literatura]
All Open Access; Gold Open Access; Green Open Access
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