
Structural and longitudinal analysis on dynamic capacities in publicity agencies and social media


Objective: In this study, we aim to analyze the scientific production of publications on dynamic capacities in advertising agencies and social media. Methodology/approach: The methodology used was a systematic review of the literature. The period used was articles published between 2008 and 2017. In total, 244 articles were analyzed which were enumerated and quantified about the main authors, journals, databases and year of publication. Originality/Relevance: This integrative literature review of the dynamic capabilities adds to the categorization of the RBV literature as it relates dynamic capabilities to social media research and advertising agencies, providing favorable guidance for future research. The theoretical gap in the literature on the subject is surprising because it is surprising that advertising activity, which is anchored in knowledge and creativity, is not a field explored by investigations in the area of Resource-Based View (RBV). Key Findings: The findings point to a trend toward qualitative publications focusing on social media and big data, few investigations focusing on advertising agencies, and a wide range of studies related to dynamic capabilities with performance and innovation themes. Theoretical/Methodological Contributions: There is a need for further investigation into the creative industry, its resources, and capabilities, especially the rise of social media. Social/Management Contributions: Managers, marketers, and communications professionals should focus their efforts on big data analytics (BDA) which is a rich source of consumer information at their touchpoints
dos Santos, SSS; Begnini, S; Carvalho, CE; Oro, IM
Structural and longitudinal analysis on dynamic capacities in publicity agencies and social media
Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina; Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Parana
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