

Innovation and business performace: bibliometric study


The study aims to investigate innovation and its influence on business performance through a bibliometric analysis of scientific production from the year 2000 to the year 2022. In this process, a consulting of a set of Specialized scientific publications was in the Web of Science database. It found 1,996 documents, of which a base sample of 548 was to the bibliometric analysis. Evaluation of the international scientific contribution took place. The annual scientific production, the journals with the most publications, the country’s production, the most cited documents, the most relevant words, the network of keywords used by the authors, and the collaboration network by country, among other variables, were examined. The results highlighted that the most significant scientific production was between 2018 and 2021, with 344 records. China reached the best quantity of products with 591, and in the United States, 460 products. The most cited author was Teece, D.J., with 4,794 citations, followed by Jiménez-Jiménez, D. with 650, and Matsuno, K. with 498. The conclusion was that innovation impacts business performance with an upward trend because it strengthens the development of organizations.
Castañón Rodríguez, Julio César (57214728702); Baca Pumarejo, José Rafael (57226127129); Villanueva Hernández, Vicente (57226125263)
Innovation and Business Performance: Bibliometric Study; [Innovación y desempeño empresarial: Estudio bibliométrico]
All Open Access; Gold Open Access; Green Open Access
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