

Trends in the m-learning subject area over a 15-year period (2002-2017) using scopus


The current social dynamics perceive education as an impeller of social and economic change. However, there are problems of coverage, relevance and methodology in the educational process, mainly in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). Recently, tools have emerged that adopt and appropriate ICTS in learning processes, such as mobile learning, which seeks to meet the requirements of mobility, accessibility and interactivity that traditional teaching mechanisms have not covered satisfactorily. Based on the necessity to identify the factors that drive the adoption of mobile learning by different HEIs, this research identifies the factors that encourage the adoption of mobile learning in the institutions. For this, results of an exercise of technological surveillance in indexed database (Scopus) were analyzed by means of scientometric indicators. Some of the most significant factors detected are: preparation of the professor, perceptions and attitudes of students, technological culture, and technological environment that leverages new learning models.
Valencia-Arias, Alejandro (55250034100); Cano, Laura Duque (57209499269); Arango-Botero, Diana (56709642800)
All Open Access; Gold Open Access
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