
Bibliometric analysis of scientific articles on jurimetry published in Brazil


Judicial delays have been the subject of debate in the Brazilian academic community. Among the solutions discussed, jurimetrics has gained ground in seeking quantitative standards in court decisions. However, despite the relevance of this methodology, in Brazil, few researches have been conducted towards its dissemination. Therefore, the present study employs bibliometric techniques on national scientific production, articles, related to the term “jurimetry”, from 2002 to 2019, made available on the Google Scholar search tool, presenting an information panel on the characteristics found in these publications. The results show that in the period surveyed, the number of publications on the subject showed an average annual growth of 18.92%; the collaboration index indicates that there are, on average, 2.32 authors per article, some of which stand out for the number of publications, including Daniel F. N. Menezes (four) and Filipe J. Zabala (three) and, in turn, the most cited authors are Lee Loevinger (eleven citations), Filipe J. Zabala and Fabiano F. Silveira (both with six citations); the magazine that has published the most on the subject is the Revista da Faculdade de Direito of the Federal University of Minas Gerais, with a single magazine publishing four articles, seven magazines publishing two articles and 66 magazines publishing a single article; and finally, as for the keywords associated with the term, the words “adoption”, “civil procedure”, “invalid act”, “illegal act”, “partial dissolution”, and “successive incidence” stand out, suggesting Civil Law as an area of law more aligned to the use of jurimetry.
Maia, M; Bezerra, CA
Bibliometric analysis of scientific articles on jurimetry published in Brazil
Universidade Federal do Parana
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