
Impact of internationalization on the visibility of the scientific production of the Graduate Program in Biological Sciences: Biochemistry/UFRGS (2007-2016)


Objective: This research aims to evaluate the impact of international collaboration in the scientific production indexed by Web of science of the Programa de Pos-Graduagao em Ciencias Biologicas: Bioquimica, da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, from 2007 to 2016. Methods: From bibliometric techniques (production, co-authorship, and visibility), it was evaluated two main issues in the internationalization policy of the Evaluating System of the Coordenacao de Aperfeigoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES): 1) Does the group of teachers comply with the internationalization qualitative attributes towards to publication with foreign researches? 2) Do the publications with international co-authorship related to the higher strata of Qualis Periodical? Results: The increase in the network cooperation with several countries demonstrates that the international dimension for the scientific production by the Program’s teachers was reached, following the current trend for Brazilian science. Internal asymmetries were identified for 20.8% of internationally co-authored production: most teachers presented from one to five or no publications with foreigners, while few teachers produced more than six individuals’ publications. The internationalization policy is an effective strategy for scientific dissemination: publications in journals classified at the higher Qualis strata have international co-autorship. Conclusions: Results point to the need of institutional and governmental strategies for minimize the existing asymmetries in the scientific production among teachers with financial support and encouragement of internationalization.
Gheno, EM; Vanz, SAD; Martins, LAM; Duarte, LF; Souza, DO; Calabro, L
Impact of internationalization on the visibility of the scientific production of the Graduate Program in Biological Sciences: Biochemistry/UFRGS (2007-2016)
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
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