
Quality culture: A bibliometric review on its impact on organizations


The study and analysis of quality in its various dimensions has become a highly relevant field of research, with an interdisciplinary approach that involves disciplines such as industrial engineering, operations management and organizational psychology. Therefore, this article aims to analyze the general trend of studies related to quality culture around the world, using the methodology of bibliometric analysis. The Bibliometrix library and RStudio were used to analyze data obtained from the Scopus database from 1982 to February 2023. A total of 556 publications were found using the search equation TITLE-ABS-KEY (“Quality culture”) AND (LIMIT -TO (DOCTYPE, “ar”)). The average number of publications in the last 5 years is close to 40 scientific productions on the topic of study. The main countries, authors, institutions, journals, thematic areas and keywords of these studies were identified. The main themes of analysis included its relationship with total quality management, quality 4.0, quality and organizational performance. In conclusion, this review provides an overview of the scientific production on the object of study and also identifies factors associated with quality culture and its contribution to the development of organizations.
Claro, Genny Torcoroma Navarro (58642737600); Africano, Gloria Naranjo (58642894200)
Quality culture: A bibliometric review on its impact on organizations; [Cultura de calidad: Una revisión bibliométrica sobre su impacto en las organizaciones]
Centro de Investigación para el Desarrollo Regional, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander Ocaña, Ocaña, Colombia; Universidad Simón Bolívar, Barranquilla, Colombia
All Open Access; Hybrid Gold Open Access
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