
Mapping the Landscape of Netnographic Research: A Bibliometric Study of Social Interactions and Digital Culture


Introduction: netnography is a research method that has emerged in response to the growing popularity of online communication and social networks. Aim: to analyze communication patterns about netnography in the Scopus database. Methods: a bibliometric study was conducted in the Scopus database on netnography. The analysis was conducted globally, by country, and by institution. Results: a total of 11173 documents and 2213 authors were recovered. 35,1 % of the documents were open access. The global field-weighted citation impact was 1,27. the most productive ones in the following order: United Kingdom (275 documents), United States (223 documents), Australia (165 documents), Brazil (100 documents), and France (83 documents). Conclusions: the results show that netnography is an emerging area of research, with a wide geographic and thematic diversity, that has experienced steady growth in recent years and is being explored in a variety of contexts, from market research to the analysis of social dynamics online.
Gómez Cano, Carlos Alberto (58055593700); Sánchez Castillo, Verenice (58502591000); Clavijo Gallego, Tulio Andrés (58565222200)
Mapping the Landscape of Netnographic Research: A Bibliometric Study of Social Interactions and Digital Culture; [Mapeando el panorama de la investigación netnográfica: un estudio bibliométrico de las interacciones sociales y la cultura digital]
Corporación Unificada Nacional de Educación Superior – CUN, Florencia, Colombia; Universidad de la Amazonía, Florencia, Colombia; Universidad del Cauca, Popayán, Colombia
All Open Access; Hybrid Gold Open Access
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