
International professional mobility: a bibliometric review


The debate on international professional mobility and its implications for companies and individuals presents itself as a current and important theme. Thus, the systematization of what has been researched and who are the main authors are fundamental questions for the field to be better understood. The present article aimed of carrying out a bibliometric research, with a cut in Intercultural Organizational Studies, with papers published in national journals that report the international mobility process. We analyzed 53 articles found in the Capes and Spell Periodical Portals databases between 2000 and 2017, chosen for the significance of the findings in this period. Through the analysis of these articles, it was concluded that the increasing number of researches produced denotes the growing interest and relevance of the theme, although this number is still low compared to international bases. There was an evolution of subjects related to the theme: from the initial concern about the motivating elements and the role of the family in the international mobility process, through more procedural issues and the discussion about the importance of this type of professional mobility to the strategy of the companies. There were gaps to be explored and discussed about the types of international mobility and the organizational configurations that have arisen through transformations also in the area of Human Resource Management.
Zago, AA; Domingues, CR; Silva, AMD
International professional mobility: a bibliometric review
Universidade Federal de Uberlandia; Universidade Federal de Uberlandia
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