
Towards a Science Map on Sustainability in Higher Education


This article analyses how the concept of sustainability is being incorporated into global research of higher education. This study utilizes different scientometric reviews of global research between 1991 and 2018 using text mining techniques in order to generate first and second-generation bibliometric indicators, the latter are displayed in science maps. A total of 6724 articles and conference proceedings were collected from the Web of Science and Scopus databases to generate this research. From the results obtained, it was possible to build a canvas of the main institutions that have significantly contributed to the topic of sustainability in higher education, and it was found that 40.58% of the records originated in institutions from the United States, China, United Kingdom, and Australia. This study also provides an insight into emerging trend themes, and patterns of research in the area of sustainability worldwide. Terms such as regional planning and environmental protection inside the top keywords found, suggest a greater interest in issues of sustainable planning and social awareness and that higher education is becoming the cornerstone of environmental awareness, innovation, and guidance to achieve sustainability goals in higher education institutions, as well as in society and government.
Alejandro-Cruz, JS; Rio-Belver, RM; Almanza-Arjona, YC; Rodriguez-Andara, A
Towards a Science Map on Sustainability in Higher Education
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico; University of Basque Country
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gold, Green Published
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