
Bibliometric Analysis on Sustainable Supply Chains


In recent years, efforts have been expanded to create and adopt tools that contribute to mitigating the environmental impact caused by industrial development. In this sense, the objective of this article is twofold: (i) to identify the countries worldwide that have generated and disseminated the most information on sustainable supply chains (SSCs) and (ii) to recognize the organizations that have interacted most with each other to generate greater scientific contributions on SSCs. Methodologically, the starting point was a bibliometric scan, and a systematic review of the literature focusing on SSCs was carried out. The search engine used was the Dimensions platform, limited only to the years 2020, 2021 and 2022, and the articles had to belong to the categories of engineering and economics. For the network visualization, VOSviewer was used, as it allows the connections to be visualized in a network graph. The findings of this paper show the existing links between organizations worldwide whose purpose is the study and scientific dissemination of SSCs. The countries that have generated the greatest scientific contribution in the last three years with respect to SSCs were China, the United Kingdom, the United States, Italy and the Netherlands. In addition, the organizations that have interacted the most belong to the European Union.
Reyes-Soriano, FE; Muyulema-Allaica, JC; Menendez-Zaruma, CM; Lucin-Borbor, JM; Balon-Ramos, ID; Herrera-Brunett, GA
Bibliometric Analysis on Sustainable Supply Chains
Universidad de Cantabria
Tipo de acceso abierto
gold, Green Published
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