
Bibliometric and social network analysis of the Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Publica (2010-2019)


The objective of this article was to carry out a bibliometric study of the RPMESP publications (2010-2019) in order to enable the improvement of the editorial management and decision-making processes of this and other journals with similar behavior. It is a descriptive study with bibliometric methodology that analyzes through productivity, collaboration and network indicators the main trends of the journal. The records were recovered from Scopus, which, after a standardization process, obtained 565 documents. 96% of the documents were published in Spanish and in collaboration (two or more authors), which reflects the greater interest of Latin American authors in publishing in collaboration in recent years. An incipient degree of international openness was observed when documents were received from countries such as the United States, Colombia, and Spain, a trend that needs to be continued in the search for a greater degree of internationality. Peru as a country and the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia as an institution had the greatest measures of centrality and power in network analysis. The strategic position of these nodes can be used by the RPMESP to establish strategies and strengthen collaborative relationships with all members of these networks. This step could improve the important role that the RPMESP plays in the scientific dissemination of medical studies in response to the great demands of today.
Palacios-Jimenez, P; Mori-Diestra, K; Limaymanta, CH; Loyola-Romani, J; Gregorio-chaviano, O
Bibliometric and social network analysis of the Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Publica (2010-2019)
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
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