
Bibliometric analysis of interventions based on third generation therapies in children and adolescents in Iberoamerica and Europe


The present study is a bibliometric analysis of publications on interventions based on third generation therapies in children and adolescents during the years 2011-2016. For this, a descriptive study was carried out in which 60 scientific articles from diverse databases were analyzed, such as Proquest, Redalyc, Sage, ScienceDirect and Springer Science, Dialnet, Ebsco Host. It was evidenced that between the years 2012 and 2014 there was an increase in the publications of third generation therapies in Ibero-America and Europe. The International Journal of Behavioral Consultation & Therapy presents the largest number of publications in this field. In relation to the author who presents the most publications, reference is made to Swart, J as the principal. The theoretical review and the quasi-experimental study were the most reported methodology and Mindfulness the most used therapy. As for the country with the largest number of investigations in this area is the United States. This study allows us to conclude that third generation therapies have begun to gain strength in several behavioral and emotional problems in children and adolescents. However, it is necessary to expand the research in this field since in most articles the degree of efficacy is not quantified.
Hernandez, SZ; Hernandez, LTC; Jerez-Castiblanco, JC; Padilla, GLG; Perea-Gil, LF
Bibliometric analysis of interventions based on third generation therapies in children and adolescents in Iberoamerica and Europe
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
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Green Submitted, gold
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