
Analysis of Latin American journals indexed by Redalyc in the Engineering area: relationship with socioeconomic indicators


The scientific production and quality of scientific journals are fundamental for the countries and regions to which they belong, hence the impact of the journals is related to the development policies of the countries and therefore to socioeconomic indicators. Although studies on scientific journals have been carried out at a Latin American level, few of them refer to the engineering area. Therefore, the objective of the research was to study bibliometric variables of engineering journals indexed in Redalyc between 2015 and 2020 and their relation with socioeconomic indicators of the countries. The information from the journals and their bibliometric variables was extracted from the official Redalyc portal and the socioeconomic indicators from the World Bank’s development indicators portal. The statistical treatment of the information was carried out through cluster analysis, classification-regression trees, and canonical correlation. The country with the largest number of scientific engineering journals indexed in Redalyc is Colombia with 12, however, in relative terms, Cuba is the country with the highest percentage of engineering journals with respect to its total number of indexed journals with 20%. Brazilian journals have the best bibliometric variables and it is also the country with the best socioeconomic indicators. The indicators that showed a greater relation with bibliometric variables were Public Expenditure on R&D and the number of Researchers in R&D, and in a lesser proportion, Expenditure on Education and GDP.
Velasquez, TDM; Tocuyo, DDJA
Analysis of Latin American journals indexed by Redalyc in the Engineering area: relationship with socioeconomic indicators
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