
Bibliometric indicators of production and scientific collaboration of the Pontifical Catholic University of Brazil


Objective. To analyze the production and scientific collaboration of the seven Pontifical Catholic University (PUC) in Brazil. Method. Quantitative study with application of bibliometric analysis. The collection and download of bibliographic data was done in the Main Collection of the Web of Science (WoS) Platform. The period analyzed was between 2005 and 2015. Results. A total of 8,267 bibliographic records were retrieved. The scientific production of the PUCs has increased exponentially, from 385 in 2005 to 993 in 2015, which represents a total increase of 157% in the period. PUC-RJ is responsible for approximately 30% of the total scientific production, followed by PUC-PR with 23.75% and PUC-RS with 20.90%. The scientific publications are distributed in 2,505 different periodicals. Most of the papers are classified in Engineering, Physics and Computer Science. Regarding the scientific collaboration between the PUCs, PUC-PR occupies a central position with a greater number of documents and partnerships with all the institutions of the group. In the context of international collaboration, it was noted that the PUC has strategic partnerships especially with United States, France, Englandand Germany. Conclusions. As a Brazilian institution of private education, the PUC has been engaged in the development of research and the production of knowledge equivalent to international standards of excellence. Angela Emi Yanai, Claudia Daniele de Souza, Meire Ramalho de Oliveira, Maria Fernanda de Oliveira
Yanai, AE; de Souza, CD; de Oliveira, MR; de Oliveira, MF
Bibliometric indicators of production and scientific collaboration of the Pontifical Catholic University of Brazil
Universidade Federal de Amazonas; Universidade Federal de Goias; Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Minas Gerais
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