
The university library and its role in research processes: a view from information services with a bibliometric approach in Colombia


Objective. Based on the need to innovate in the information services currently provided by university and academic libraries and in the search for the development of the services provided by the Library System of the Universidad de los Andes, Colombia, we show the basic functioning of a Bibliometric Unit, taking one of its departments as a case study. Method. Based on the scientific production of the Department of Physics of the University of Los Andes, Colombia, registered in the Web of Science (WoS), a treatment of the information was carried out, using as a methodology the theory of the bibliometric unit proposed in the revised bibliography, which is constituted by the phases: control of sources, communication and dissemination of results, and training. Results. The bibliometric unit as a possible solution to the research support needs that the university library should offer today, allows for an integral approach to the characteristics of the production, evaluation and communication of science. Conclusions: The library currently has a leading role within universities. The services offered from the Bibliometric Unit made it possible, in addition to supporting the research processes, to gain recognition and visibility in the scientific community, as well as an increase in the use of services and especially requests for research advice.
Tinjaca, ECA; Gutierrez, YMG; Gregorio-Chaviano, O
The university library and its role in research processes: a view from information services with a bibliometric approach in Colombia
Universidad de los Andes (Colombia)
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