

Exploring Global Research Trends in Burnout among Nursing Professionals: A Bibliometric Analysis


Nursing professionals are constantly exposed to several risk factors and high levels of stress that can affect their mental, emotional, and physical health, which can trigger burnout syndrome. This article aims to use bibliometric analysis to investigate burnout research trends among nursing professionals worldwide and to compare the contributions of different countries/institutions, scientific journals, authors, keywords, and citations. A bibliometric study was performed using the Scopus and Web of Science databases, in the period up to November 2021, aiming to search original and review articles in the English language regarding burnout in nursing professionals. The analysis was performed with a sample of 1406 articles. The most cited article indicated that 43% of nurses had high burnout scores, and a similar percentage were dissatisfied with their work. The most productive and most cited country in the world was the United States of America. Regarding the 10 most cited documents, there were no studies that could provide interventions to reduce burnout in nursing professionals, which can result in a need to develop studies on prevention capable of mitigating the problem, in view of the impacts generated on their mental, emotional, and physical health.
de Oliveira, DG; Reis, AD; Franco, ID; Braga, AL
Exploring Global Research Trends in Burnout among Nursing Professionals: A Bibliometric Analysis
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ)
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