
Metric analysis of the scientific production about the radio in the diploma works of the period 2013-2018


The present article exposes the results of the metric analysis applied to the scientific production of the works of diploma on the radio, in the careers of Social Communication and Journalism, respectively, that between 2013-2018 were realized in the Faculty of Communication of the University of Havana. Some theoretical aspects are exposed on the concept of diploma work that governs higher education in Cuba, in relation to the situation of radio research, as well as historical elements on the development of bibliometric studies. One-dimensional and multidimensional bibliometric indicators are used. The first ones include productivity by career, by years, by tutors and by keywords, and among the latter, the co-occurrence of keywords and collaboration in tutoring. The tools used in the data processing are concentrated in the bibliographic manager EndNote X7, Microsoft Excel 2013, Bibexcel version 2016 and Gephi 0.9.2. The measurement shows that the radio has a very discreet increase as a center of interest in the research of the Faculty. It is necessary to draw up strategies that broaden its presence in the field of research and deepen its knowledge, taking into consideration that as a means of communication it still coexists with others despite the transformations that society experiences in information and communication technologies and to which it adapts.
Munoz, BEF; de Armas, RJM
Metric analysis of the scientific production about the radio in the diploma works of the period 2013-2018
Universidad de la Habana; Universidad de la Habana; Universidad de la Habana
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