
Cultural tourism: bibliometric and social network analysis of Brazilian tourism field, 1990‑2018


We present a bibliometric and social network analysis of the Brazilian field of tourism, taken as the articles of 16 Brazilian tourism journals. Utilizing keywords, we describe and evaluate its trajectory (1990‑2018), with focus on the cultural tourism cluster. We study the authorship (authors, institutions and geographic distribution), journals (dispersal of publication), impact and intellectual structure of the cluster. It is clearly delimited, and includes “expected” keywords that orbit around cultural tourism, culture and heritage. Authorship is relatively fragmented; there is an overrepresentation of the Northeast Region of Brazil. In the references, there is a distinct social sciences orientation; there are relatively few authors and texts concerned with cultural tourism as a market segment. Margarita Barretto’s dominance and centrality in the intellectual structure is clear. Concerning the impact, the cluster has an average of actual citations per article just below that verified for the field.
Kohler, Andre Fontan (56039305500); Digiampietri, Luciano Antonio (8843300600)
Cultural tourism: bibliometric and social network analysis of Brazilian tourism field, 1990‑2018; [Turismo cultural: análise bibliométrica e de redes sociais do campo de turismo no Brasil, 1990‑2018]
All Open Access; Gold Open Access; Green Open Access
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